Our Team

We know how to get you the outcome you require, we're always challenging ourselves to be the best, and that's why you know we are the best people to handle your IT requirements.


With over 7 years drawing, painting, and designing some of the coolest logos, sites and artwork we've ever seen, we're glad she's a part of our team.

She's not actually in the witness protection program, she just thought it was very bright outside, because she was up very late working on a really awesome design for a website you've probably been to.

But don't worry, she got her beauty sleep eventually.


It's Britney Bitch!

You wanna hot website? Let's get to Work Bitch!

Developing websites has been her dream, since she was 17.  Ensuring your site is the centre of attention even when we're up against a wall, she's always willing to give you more. 

It's My Prerogative to tell you how Lucky we are she's with us, she's a star. 

How often do our clients come away impressed?  Everytime!

Just when we think she can't possibly surpass our expectations, but Oops, she did it again!

If you're wondering why people aren't engaging with your current online presence, Why don't ya Do Somethin'?


Creator of PCX Networks (and also the website you're currently viewing), there's not much in tech I haven't tried. 

A veteran in the industry with over 15 years experience, it's my business to know the best way to get you the outcome you're after, in the most efficient way possible. 

Saving time, and money is always appreciated and I'll make sure you get an honest, well thought out opinion on your business needs.



Our resident hipster!  He just had to wear a hat and a scarf to the photo shoot, otherwise, how would you know he loves to drink coffee and owns a Macbook Pro?

But what he lacks in style, he makes up for in smarts, because Jeff knows exactly how to put together products from some of our favourite partners, to get your business running smoothly.